Rosary Beads in the Ice Storm
The ice storm that hit southeastern Michigan Wednesday knocked the power out to over 700,000 homes and businesses. DTE blamed “ice on the lines.” In addition to the electrical lines, some trees took a hit. When morning came in my neighborhood, several...
The Journey of the Book
Today is the day that my new book, Divining, A Memoir in Trees, is released. What does that mean? Pre-orders are being mailed out, and the book is now available at most places that sell books . . . from the book’s publisher, Wayne State University Press to my...
A Pandemic Fieldtrip Acquaintance
Here’s one of my favorite photos of a tree I took while I was writing my tree book. Who, you might wonder, is this remarkable beauty? On October 17, 2020, during what I still think of as the “hiking phase” of the pandemic, we left our house early—and very...
Van Gogh in Trees
Have you ever had the experience that once you’ve begun noticing a particular something, it’s hard to stop seeing it? Suddenly, you see it everywhere. Of course, we have a name for this. Several names, in fact, including…