Mar 12, 2013 | Great Lake Islands Escapes
. . . a place to feature some “islands of delight” I stumble across on the mainland before it’s Island Time again. First posting in Mainland Islands is fittingly about Patrick Doig’s Southfield Family Sauna & Tub.
Jun 29, 2012 | Great Lake Islands Escapes
When was the last time you sailed down the Detroit River to Bob-Lo Island, to summertime? Before July 30, 2011, my last visit to Bob-Lo had been in June of 1968. On that trip, my companions on the Bob-Lo Excursion Line steamer were other ninth graders from...
Jun 26, 2012 | Great Lake Islands Escapes
. . . and the living is easy . . . . . . About time to head for a Great Lakes island!
Sep 12, 2011 | Great Lake Islands Escapes
Saturday, September 10, 2011, 8:27 a.m. This morning’s catch: 22 Lucky Stones. Three fossils. One Great Blue Heron–my animal totem–standing sentinel on the boulder off shore at the westernmost point of the island. A thin line of light...
Aug 5, 2011 | Great Lake Islands Escapes
I’m escaping for the weekend to my (so far) favorite Great Lakes island: Pelee Island, a Canadian Island in Lake Erie. Pelee’s a wonderful place to walk and write, hunt for fossils and Lucky Stones (ear bones of the sheephead carp, a.k.a.,...
Aug 2, 2011 | Great Lake Islands Escapes
Island Update: After having visited eight islands in the Great Lakes Basin in the last three and a half weeks, which–when added to the three I’d visited after deciding to take on this project but before July 7th, plus the one or two I plan to visit in the...