Jul 26, 2011 | Great Lake Islands Escapes
There’s been more than a bit of jawing going on about the heat and humidity in these parts over the last few weeks. I’d like to point out that it is July. In Michigan. However, since I’ve been taking advantage of some time off to visit five Great...
Jul 23, 2011 | Great Lake Islands Escapes
You come to an edge of your world, or the end of your rope. Something you imagine to be Providence leads you to water. But instead of drinking, you consult the ferry schedule. And then wait. There are gusty winds. Or there is engine trouble. Or there are ten-foot...
Jul 13, 2011 | Great Lake Islands Escapes
When I was a kid, I collected rocks; now I plan to collect islands, specifically, Great Lake islands. In middle age, after having built two successful careers and raised two daughters to the point of finding myself an empty-nester, I hunger for a bit more adventure in...